These rules have been established to encourage fairness, safety, conservation, and significant care for the fish caught. It is the goal of this event to move our sport forward as an example for all to follow.
- In case of severe weather/dangerous water conditions, North MS Catfish Club reserves the right to postpone, change boat ramps, allow trailering, or cancel the event for the boater’s safety.
- It is the captain's sole responsibility to determine if and when weather conditions and or water conditions are safe enough to launch their boat.
- Good sportsmanship is expected of all individuals before, during, and after the tournament event. This includes social media bashing! Failure to follow good sportsmanship may result in disqualification and award forfeiture.
- Any disorderly conduct will be reason alone for disqualification.
- Any violation can result in an automatic disqualification.
- All Local, State & Federal rules will be observed. It is the angler's responsibility to obtain proper fishing / boating license and abide by State & Federal laws in which waters you are in.
- At least one team member must report and sign in at the captain's meeting on Friday September 3rd. In the case of a no-show, your team's entry will be removed and will not be enteried into the boat giveaway.
- Tournament Hours: Fishing Hours 6:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Livewell checks will begin at 4:00 am, after which you may then launch. Lines in the water prior to 6:30 am will result in disqualification. Must be back at the ramp or in the harbor by 4:30 pm. Failure to be back at the harbor by 4:30pm will disqualify your team from weigh-in.
- Teams are limited to a maximum of a 3 person team. Kids are encouraged to be part of your team. Kids are not counted towards your 3 person team.
- Any children 16 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult.
- Fishing boundaries will be Pickwick Lake & Wilson Lake. No trailering is allowed if you choice to fish Wilson Lake you must lock through.
- No limit to rods you have in the boat. 8 rods maximum in the water at any time during the tournament.
- A maximum of 3 fish per boat will be allowed to be weighed-in. Only 2 fish of your 3 fish limit may be 34 inches or over. Blue, Channel, and Flathead catfish may be weighed.
- No snagging or chumming will be allowed
- No foul hooked fish will be accepted
- No fishing intentionally baited holes
- All tournament boats must maintain a distance of no less than 50 yards between each other while fishing. Fishing is defined as an anchor rope or fishing lines are in the water.
- Buddy fishing or sharing of information during tournament hours including techniques, baits, location, etc. is strictly prohibited.
- The use of mobile communication devices such as cellular phones, marine radios, etc. to communicate fishing information during tournament hours is prohibited.
- No fishing outside of the boat.
- Fish may only be caught by Rod and Reel method. No Trotlines, Limb Lines, Hoop nets, or noodles will be allowed
- No alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or illegal substances are allowed onboard or used during tournament hours.
- Onboard livewell is a must. Livewell is preferred to employ an electric freshwater circulating pump and include proper aeration. OXYGEN USE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED.
- There may not be no more than 3 fish in live-well at the time of weigh-in. If there are more than 3 fish in live-well at weigh-in it will result in disqualification.
- Dropping of fish at weigh-in is discouraged.
- Placing ALL fish into the weigh totes must be completed with care. No throwing or mishandling will be tolerated. Large fish are encouraged to be handled by 2 people and support of the belly helps the overall wellbeing of the fish.
- No dead fish will be allowed to be weighed-in this will disqualify your team. If you have a fish die it is encouraged to put this fish on ice (see rule #24), State law prohibits the dumping of dead fish back into waterway.
- No culling of fish at weigh-in.
- Ties will be decided by the team with the largest fish.
- Any protests must be made before the Awards Ceremony and must be in writing giving only to the tournemant director. We will not accept any protests thereafter period.
- This is a catch-and-release tournament. All live fish must be released healthy and alive. They may not be taken home with tournament participants.
- Anglers that consider their catch to be a possible record will be responsible for caring for the fish until the proper authorities are notified and arrive for verification purposes.
- Social Media live feeds are allowed and encouraged. However, caution must be used not to reveal too much relevant information when going live during the tournament hours.
NOTE: There will be someone at the weigh-in site throughout the tournament. If you have a large fish or fish that you fill will not survive until the tournament is over, you may bring your fish to be weighed and recorded. We will then release the fish and you can continue to fish. Once the weight has been recorded you can not cull that fish when you come back in.
This is a live document. Rules are subject to change without notice.
No pre-fishing will be allowed after 7:00 pm on Friday, September 3rd 2021
The winner of the boat giveaway must be present at the time of drawing. You must be 18 years of age or over to be eligible to enter the boat giveaway.
The winner of the boat will be responsible for all taxes, registration and/or transfer fees, and any transportation costs required or requested after the prize boat has been awarded.
Absolutely no refunds will be issued for any reason other than a cancellation of the event. After registering / payment any sale or exchanging of entry is prohibited without the written consent of a tournament official.