The American Catfishing Association Conservation Foundation
The American Catfishing Association Conservation Foundation (ACACF) has been created to support and preserve the American catfish fisheries and species.
The objective of the ACACF is the gathering of vital scientific and economic impact information in order to inform and support the wellbeing of this great catfish species throughout the nation.
Additionally, the ACACF strives to educate anglers on proper fishing techniques, handling of the fish and to promote responsible care for the enjoyment of all.
What We Are
The American Catfishing Association Conservation Foundation is a 501c3 filed organization created by the American Catfishing Association. The ACACF’s structure allows for tax deductible donations and grants that when secured are diligently utilized for the organizations operations and the pursuit of the betterment of the nation’s catfish species through education and information support.
What We Do
Scientific Information Gathering and Publishing
The ACACF works with various scientific information and research organizations, which include state commissions, independent biologists, universities, and privately funded experienced professionals. These important professionals provide the ACACF with detailed facts that when completed will serve as an educational and information tool that will lead the way for conservation and regulation reform efforts.
Economic Impact Information Collection and Publishing
The ACACF is currently compiling important economic impact studies and assembling information on areas around the country that have seen significant success catering to the recreational fishing communities. Once completed and published the ACACF economic impact overview is expected to significantly influence local, state and federal officials and legislators to the enormous potential the catfishing community offers to its respected areas of administration.
Education and Support Tools
The ACACF has developed various brochures, handouts and videos that have been designed to educate the public about the various species of catfish and the sport of catfishing. These tools are made available to organizations that have a proven record of conservation and an established public voice.

The ACACF has established catfish professionals that have a great deal of knowledge and passion for catfish conservation and the sport of catfishing. If your organization would like to engage one of our speakers, we encourage you to contact our offices for further details and to book any number of great speakers.
Support Services
If your organization needs assistance with information for education, the ACACF stands ready to support your efforts for the betterment of the nation’s catfish species and the sport of catfishing.
Fund Raising
The ACACF always welcomes the opportunity to part of your event in order to raise money for our efforts. We would welcome the chance to part of your event by adding family friendly activities designed to attract donations for the ACACF organization and its ongoing efforts.
American Catfishing Association Conservation Committee Support
As an important foundation created by the American Catfishing Association, the ACACF works closely with the ACA Conservation Committee by providing important information and resources to further their efforts. Any ACA member is encouraged to join the ACA conservation committee or any number of other important ACA committees.
Government Agency Alliance
The ACACF works diligently to establish valued partnerships and alliances with local, state and federal agencies by supporting their conservation efforts and they ours. These critical alliances offer important information exchanges, shared efforts and concerted objectives to improve fisheries all around the nation.
Violation Reporting
The ACACF in cooperation with the American Catfishing Association has made available to both the ACA membership and the public an easy quick reference resource of all state violation reporting phone numbers. If you witness an obvious violation, the ACACF encourages you to reach out to the state and report your findings.
U.S. State Violation Hotlines
Witnessed an obvious violation? Report your findings here.
What the ACACF Cannot Do
The ACACF must follow these strict Federal regulations:
Private benefit. Organizations that hold a tax-exempt status cannot serve the private interests, or private benefit, of any individual or organization besides itself past an insubstantial degree. Therefore, a nonprofit may not permit any of its income or assets to benefit insiders, such as board members, officers, directors and important employees. Nonprofits are not allowed to urge their members to support or oppose legislation. They may participate in a small amount of lobbying, but lobbying activities may not exceed 15% of the organization’s total expenses.
Political campaign activity
A nonprofit organization may not financially support or endorse any political candidates verbally or in writing. They may not oppose candidates either. This rule applies to candidates at every level — local, state and federal.
Unrelated business income
Nonprofit organizations aren’t allowed to generate too much income from a purpose that is unrelated to the nonprofit. An organization that regularly operates a trade or business that is unrelated to the nonprofit and makes significant contributions to the organization would need to pay taxes.
Annual reporting obligation
Nonprofit corporations still have reporting responsibilities. They may also be responsible for things like tax on unrelated income, employment tax, excise taxes, and certain state or local taxes.