Club Rules

All State and Federal Boating Laws shall be practiced.
3 Adults Max per team (Children under 16 may be extras) This is a Big Cat Event. You may weigh in 1 Catfish per entry for each weigh in period. There will be 4 weigh-in periods. 1st period 7am to 9am, 2nd Period 9:01 am to 11 am, 3rd Period 11:01am to 1pm, 4th Period at 3pm. the first 3 periods will be weighed at the ramp at water's edge. The 4th Period will be weighed on top of the hill once boat is loaded on trailer. (The 4th Period Weigh-in will begin at 3pm. All Boats must be in the Harbor staged to load up by 4pm. Fishing will Stop at 3pm.) Boats may posess a maximum of 2 fish in their livewell. after the 3rd period expires they may only posess 1 fish. Culling Ok. Smallest cat does not count towards the livewell count. Any entry not staged in the harbor by 4pm will not be able to weigh in their 4th period fish. There will also be $100 awards for Kids BigCat, Veterans BigCat, Ladies BigCat, and Smallest Cat. (smallest cat does not count towards any of the weigh in periods) Blue, Channel, and Flathead only. 8 rod limit rule (in water). Rod and reel only (no trot line, jug line, noodling or bank fishing allowed). Pre-Registration may be done on ACA Tournament page, but final registration and entry fees will be completed on the morning of the event. We are an ACA Division 4 Trail. All decisions pertaining to safety, weather, etc will be decided by Tournament Director and Boat Captains (If needed).
Donation tickets will be for sale to win great door prizes as well as a chance to win a garmin 9" EchoMap Unit outfitted with a Panoptix Live scope Transducer. T shirts will also be available for purchase.
We are a family friendly organization where you can't see our game faces because of our smiles, hospitality and courteousness are more important than points and trophies, and if you are a win at all cost kind of person, you might want to look for another club to associate with.