Twisted Cat Outdoors 2021 Rules
2021 Tournament Rules

- Entry fee is $180 if you preregister by mail; $185 on Website (All major credit cards and PayPal accepted). Entry fee on day of tournament is $200. Preregistration cutoff is 7 days prior to the tournament.
- Each boat is allowed 1-3 members. Captain must be 18 years or older. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign release of liability.
- Each tournament is a three (3) fish limit unless otherwise specified in event postings.
- All fish must be caught by rod and reel method only. A maximum of 6 rods in use per boat unless state laws or more restrictive. No limit on number of rods in boat.
- No chumming or baiting of fishing holes or areas in preparation of or during tournaments.
- No fishing or netting outside the boat.
- No stringer, decoy bags, or snagging allowed.
- No foul hooked fish will be accepted. No dead fish may be weighed.
- Blue Cat, Channel Cat, and Flathead may be weighed. All fish must be alive to weigh in.
- A live well is REQUIRED. Live well must be adequate to care for the fish being caught. The tournament director will have the final call on all live wells and reserves the right to remove the team from the tournament if determined the live well is not sufficient to care for fish properly.
- All tournament boats must maintain a distance of at least 50 yards between each other while anchored and 50 feet while drifting.
- The use of alcoholic beverages or drugs is prohibited during tournament hours.
- No culling of fish at the ramp or weigh in line.
- All state and federal laws will be observed.
- All participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation. No unsportsmanlike conduct will be permitted and will result in disqualification. All decisions by tournament director are final.
- All live wells and bait wells must be checked before launch. All legal bait (dead or live) may be used.
- Once your live well is checked, you will be issued a paint stick with your boat number on it. The paint stick must be turned into the bucket at the designated area by the cutoff time. If for any reason you lose your stick, you must check in personally with tournament staff prior to the cutoff time.
- Life jackets and kill switches if equipped must be worn at takeoff. Teams must comply with state fishing and boating regulations.
- All fish will be returned to the same body of water following weigh in.
- No boats in the water before live well checks and once live well has been checked boats may not leave the ramp/launch area.
- All winners are subject to polygraph. Any team having a member who fails or refuses to take the test will be disqualified.
- All protests must be made in writing to the tournament director before the awards ceremony begins.
- In case of adverse weather or water conditions, Twisted Cat Outdoors reserves the right to cancel/reschedule any event.
- Ties: In the event of a tie…big fish weight will be the tie breaker.
- Fishing and boating licenses are the responsibility of team members.
- Liability insurance is the responsibility of boat owners. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers in the boat.
- Entry into this tournament binds you to acceptance of the Waiver/Release of Liability of Twisted Cat Outdoors.
- If you are preregistered for an event and are unable to attend, you may not sell your spot. Entry Fees may be refunded or moved to another event up to 7 days prior to the event with a $10 fee. No transfer or refunds within 7 days of event. No exceptions!
- Twisted Cat Outdoors reserves the right to amend or change any rule for safety or any other reason we deem necessary.
Twisted Cat Outdoors LLC
By entering ANY Twisted Cat Outdoors event, I acknowledge that our team has read and understand the rules.I also acknowledge that this is a voluntary event and I assume all risks associated with my voluntary participation in this event, including but not limited to injury, death, weather related incidents, boat traffic and river conditions. Acknowledging these risks, I myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who might file a claim on my behalf WAIVE, RELEASE, and DISCHARGE, Twisted Cat Outdoors LLC, Alex Nagy, and all sponsors, officials, workers, volunteers, representatives of ANY AND ALL claims or liability, whether foreseen or unforeseen, for death, personal injury or property damage arising from or throughout the course of my participation in this event.I also grant full permission to the above listed sponsors, organizations and agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videos, recordings or other record of the event for any reasonable purpose.