ACA Tournament Alliance Points Race

American Catfishing Association Annual Points Race
The American Catfishing Association in cooperation with many of the nation’s top catfish tournaments have come together to form the ACA Tournament Alliance. This unprecedented alliance has created an exciting annual ACA Annual Points Race program. Setting a new industry standard, nothing so dynamic and unifying has ever been offered before. Now tournament participants from around the nation can enjoy the fellowship and challenge of fishing with and against anglers throughout the catfishing community. Each event will offer a points program that at the end of the tournament season; the ACA will award thousands in cash and prizes to the top finishing teams and anglers from the 4 unique divisions.

The ACA would like to invite ALL catfish Tournament Directors from around the nation to be part of the ACA Tournament Alliance. Please complete the accompanying signup form so we can include you in the upcoming conference call. Thank you and we look forward to your participation!
- You need to have a desk top or laptop computer with a reliable internet connection available.
- You agree to be part of the ACA Tournament Alliance Committee and participate with various virtual conferences/meetings.
- You agree to work and cooperate with other committee members.
- You agree to follow agreed upon Tournament Alliance policies and regulations.
- You agree to utilize the ACA Tournament Management services and update your events within 14 days of the event conclusion. or risk the event of being disqualified.
ACA Tournament Alliance Enrollment
ACA Points Race Tournaments
With a growing list of some of the nation’s top catfish tournaments, which make up four unique divisions, are all now part of the annual ACA Points Race series. Utilizing the dynamic ACA Tournament Management system, every event will automatically post, update, and track ACA member participant’s points throughout the nation. Each event will track ACA member’s accomplishments and automatically update each member’s own unique ACA personal profile as well as an overall nationwide points standing.
The ACA Tournament Points Race season is from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
All participating tournaments will document each events activities and results including, but not limited to, the following:
- Participating ACA angler member information
- Participating ACA angler member points
- Participating ACA angler member earnings
- Participating ACA angler member weights
The collected information will be automatically added and posted to the participating ACA member personal profile that the ACA member can track and share.
Four dynamic divisions have been established so to give tournaments of all sizes and for those that enjoys fishing these same events the chance to be part of this industry leading program and prize contest.

ACA Points Race Rules And Scoring
- Participating Points Race anglers must be an ACA member* in good standing.
- An “Entry” is considered a single team. A single team is allowed to consist of a team up to 3 members.
- Points will be awarded to all ACA members on a team equally.
- Total end of season points will be taken from the best 5 seasonal events per angler, per division. The best 5 events of Division 1 must include at least 1 event from outside any one specific trail.
- Teams that fish together throughout the season that earn enough points to win an award or prize will be awarded as a single award winner.
- Ties will be broken by the 6th + event points received from earned division points. If still tied, best overall points will be used to break any/all ties.
- ACA member participants in any ACA Tournament Alliance event are forbidden from publicly criticizing, slandering, or cause harm to any tournament alliance event, tournament director, the American Catfishing Association, it's officers, directors, board members, sponsors or advisors. Any conflict must be taken up privately. ACA Mediation is availaible to an ACA member. Any participant found to have violated this rule may be disqualified from the ACA tournament Alliance points race program. Violations and any subsequent warnings or disqualification will be determined by the ACA Tournament Alliance Violation Committee.
*Limited Membership does not qualify for the ACA Points Race.
Universal Rules
All ACA Points Race events have agreed to adopt, follow and universally enforce certain rules and policies created by, agreed to, and implemented by the ACA Tournament Alliance. These important standards and policies will be governed exclusively by the ACA Tournament Alliance Committee. The important standards the ACA Tournament Alliance has implemented include, but not limited to the following:
- Fish care and handling
- Sportsmanship
- Fish limits
- Live Well regulations
Awards and Prizes
At the conclusion of the ACA Points Race season, the ACA will host an awards program that will feature ACA Points Race Awards ceremony where the ACA will announce and award thousands of dollars’ worth of cash and prizes to the seasons division winners.
The following places and winners will be awarded and recognized:
- All Division 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and honorable mention to 4th and 5th place finishers
- You must be an active member in good standing of the American Catfishing Association*.
- Your entry in an ACA Tournament Alliance event must be fully paid for and finish the entered event(s) without disqualification
- You must 18 years of age or older
- The winner(s) must agree to not change or deface the exterior of the awarded custom wrapped boat, motor and trailer for a period of no less than 12 months.
- The winner understands and agrees to be responsible for all transportation, taxes, title, and registration costs.
- Every ACA Member is granted a single entry for a chance to win the annual ACA boat prize. Each ACA Tournament Alliance event you as an ACA member enter will count as an additional single entry for your chance to be selected as the winner. Additional entries may be purchased for $50.00
- This offer is void where prohibited by law.
* ACA Limited Membership does not qualify for the Grand Prize.