2022 North Alabama Catfish Trail Rules and Regulations

North Alabama Catfish Trail 2023 Rules
1. Good sportsmanship is expected of all individuals before, during and after the tournament event. This includes social media bashing of the event and/or event participants or staff. Failure to follow good sportsmanship may result in disqualification and/or revocation from fishing this and/or any further North Alabama Catfish Series events. You have an issue? Contact the director! 256-263-2085
2. Any disorderly conduct will be reason alone for disqualification.
3. Any violation of the NACT rules will result in an automatic disqualification.
4. All State and Federal rules must be observed. It is up to the anglers to determine what license or licenses may be needed.
5. Teams are limited to a minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 persons. Anyone 15 and under does NOT count as a team member.
6. All children 15 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult.
7. Life vests are encouraged while underway at all times.
8. Fish may only be caught by Rod and Reel method only.
9. All participating anglers from each team MUST be present at registration. All anglers on the team must sign a waiver to fish the tournament.
10. Tournament Hours: 6:30AM - 2:30PM. Registrations & Live well inspections will begin at 5:45 AM at the boat ramp. Lines in the water prior to 6:30AM will be cause for immediate disqualification. All teams must be back by 3:00PM.
11. Teams will NOT be allowed to trailer. All boats must launch and be recovered from the boat ramp designated for each event and be at back for weigh-in at the same boat ramp they launched from. Once launched, teams may get underway in a safe and orderly manner. *Trailing may only be allowed per tournament director due to inclement weather conditions.
12. A 3 fish weigh in limit per boat will be allowed at the weigh-in scale. Do not bring more than 3 fish to the scale. If more than 3 fish is in the livewell team will be DQ. Fish must be alive in the live-well. Limit EX for Alabama: 2 over 34’ inches and one under. Ex:2 over 1 under, or 3 under 34, or 1 over and 2 under. You can only have 2 over 34 inches.
13. Unlimited Rods will be allowed in the water at any one time.
14. No snagging will be allowed
15. No fouled hooked fish will be accepted (a fouled hook is any hook located behind the gill plate).
16. No chumming.
17. No fishing intentionally baited holes.
18. All tournament boats must maintain a distance of 50 yards between each other while anchored and 50 feet while drifting or spot locked. This includes all boats.
19. Buddy fishing or sharing of information during tournament hours including techniques, baits, location, etc. is strictly prohibited.
20. No fishing outside of the boat.
21. No use alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or illegal substances are allowed during tournament hours.
22. Due to possible inclement weather, all boat captains must decide for themselves and their fellow team members if it is safe to launch and proceed. The North Alabama Catfish Series will proceed with the event unless the director along with 3 randomly selected team captains determine the conditions to be unsafe prior to the event.
23. Onboard live wells must be no less than 50 gallons and employ an electric freshwater circulating pump and include proper aeration. OXYGEN USE IS ENCOURAGED.
24. There may not be any extra fish in live-well. If there are more than 3 fish in live-well at weigh-in it will result in disqualification.
25. It is strongly encouraged that ALL fish handled at weigh-in MUST BE handled with care. Gloves are highly encouraged at weigh in time. No abuse of throwing the catfish/mishandling will be tolerated. Weigh slings are encouraged. Larger fish are encouraged to be handled by 2 anglers.
26. Placing ALL fish into the weigh totes must be completed with care. No throwing or mishandling will be tolerated.
27. Dead fish will not be allowed on the weigh-in stage and will disqualify your team if presented on stage or weigh-in.
28. No culling of fish at weigh-in.
29. Ties will be decided by Big Fish. If no Big Fish was weighed, the tie will be split by both teams.
30. Any protests must be made before the Awards Ceremony and must be in writing with reliable clear proof. We will not accept any protests thereafter.
31. This is a catch and release tournament. All fish must be alive and healthy at the time of weigh-in. If a dead fish is brought to the scales it will result in a dq from that tournament. It is the objective of the event to release all fish alive and healthy. However, if a fish dies after weigh-in and prior to its release, arrangements will be made to donate the fish to a family in need.
32. Angler's that consider their catch to be a possible record will have the sole responsibility for caring for the fish until the proper authorities are notified and arrive for verification purposes. Once verified, the fish must be released alive and healthy.
33. Social Media live feeds are allowed and encouraged. However, caution must be used not to reveal too much relevant information when going live during the tournament hours. (see rule #19)
34. One man teams ARE allowed. We do NOT encourage this due to safety. You can NOT have but 1 over 34' in possession at a time. You are allowed to come weigh the over in during tournament hours. The fish will be weighed and logged as your total weight then released by the director. This will be logged and once weighed you can NOT cull that fish for a total bag.
35. No fishing 12 hours prior to any regular event on the designated body of water with the exception of acquiring bait.
36. Entry fee: $140.00 which includes Big Fish and a $10 trail fee.
37. A team caught cheating will be immediately disqualified and banned from all future North Alabama Catfish Trail events. This includes, but not limited to; Limb lining, trot lines, hoop nets, baited holes, jug fishing, hand fishing, fish sharing, chumming, checking jugs during tournament hours, locking through to another body of water, etc.
38. Any team that experiences a mishap or mechanical issue during the tournament event will still be considered a valid tournament participant and will not be provided any relief or forgiveness of the rules as published.
39. Scales will be open during tournament hrs.
40. All anglers are subject to a polygraph test. If an angler refuses to take a test or fails test the angler will be DQ from NACT for life. If all members on a team is polygraphed only the team member that fails the test or refuses will be DQ. The remaining team members that passes will NOT be DQ. If 1 angler fails: the weight will not count for that tournament and remaining anglers will only get 50 pts for that tournament. (Pts for participation with no weigh in).
41. The Tournament Director has final say on all rules and rule amendments.